This is Figment....He moves me. Figment was the main character in the Epcot ride "Journey into the Imagination." He is of course, the figment of your imagination. The ride opened in 1983, right before my first big trip to Disney World. I don't remember this trip, but I did come home with some Figment memoriabilia, a stuffed animal version, and a small plastic toy of him. Who knows where the stuffed Figment is, but I keep the plastic one on my desk at home. I later took trips to Disney and Epcot that I could remember, and what sticks out is, Epcot is super-boring, except for Figment and the singing/dancing fruit and veggies in the Kitchen Kabaret... :)
So I always looked forward to Figment. Now when I look at it, it reminds me of being a kid, and a time where things didn't change too much. I don't deal well with change...but I'm aware it's always coming. Figment reminds me that I need to be a kid sometimes and to be happy, because life is too short to be a serious grown-up all the time...and that's no fun. I like that I've had this toy since I was little. I have always known where it is and kept it visible.
I did bring him to class, but I would not have been very graceful speaking about it. I didn't really know what to say. And I had another item, a storybook my dad used to read me.... I wouldn't have even been able to say anything about it without crying...but I guess that's the definition of "moving me".....
I was a little blown away by everyone sharing what moved them was very inspiring..and awesome that you all were willing to tell such intimate stories. I would not have been able to make it through mine without becoming a blubbering mess...So I admire all of you who were clearly braver than I was. The class moved me.
Questions to answer:
What is New Media?Oh man...the communication of an idea using technology to produce it?
What is an Image?
What someone sees before can be a single object, a picture, a landscape or the whole feeling, what your senses pick up combined with what your eyes see.
What is Music?
A sound (or lack thereof) made with the intent to entertain.
What am I doing in New Media?
I'm really bad at writing papers.
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